Saturday, September 21, 2013

Fourteenth day El Camino + rest day

A short walk today, 13.19 miles, fairly pleasant, especially the last part along the river into Burgos, and fast enough so that we arrived before our luggage. We did start out with a small handicap, however, that being the first really bad breakfast of the trip so far. What constitutes a really bad breakfast? For one thing, the coffee was brewed or somehow concocted the night before and left to stand at room temperature. OK, so it was less dramatic than that; there was a microwave!

Complaining over...we began with a gorgeous sky (as seen from my room);

We have been intrigued by these little crocus-like flowers that grow from the dry earth with no apparent stem. The human footstep is their biggest enemy:

The Guardia is still around!

And so is the military:

Maybe this is not the best example, but the many falling-down structures in small towns have a kind of charm. Perhaps it is that their very materials are attractive..stone, tile, wood...the colours, textures, proportions, and shapes are warm and pleasing to the eye:

This couple may be the most photographed pair on The Way! They are carrying their packs on wheeled devices strapped to their waists:

Ian and Tanya had empañadas at our coffee stop this morning. The smell of the meat was too much for this pup! "Please, Mr. Ian, can't I have a bite?

Oh, I am so sad!

His tactics were at last successful.

Hand in hand in Burgos!

A view of the cathedral near our cushy hotel:

Would you believe that this is a bank? A bank!

We are ambling about Burgos, enjoying to the hilt, our first rest day. We had coffee at a marvelous pastry shop—there are so many marvelous pastry shops in this town—where they sell these almond studded, chocolate coated tejas ("tiles." See photo of dilapidated house above). So so so delicious!

The meringues are gorgeous, too:

A big bull in bronze (?):

A shot that does not do justice to these attractive shade trees:

This device is ingenious. It blocks the street to cars, but if you have a pass, you flash it in front of a sensor, the post sinks into the ground, and in you go. Then up rises the post again:

Wine is a big commodity:

We did visit the cathedral today, which was mind boggling. Gold, very much gold, silver, marble of many kinds, ivory, gems, intricately carved wood, stained glass, fantastic chandeliers, painted domes that seem to go up forever. Every inch reveals some sort of work of art from the tiniest detail to grand spaces.

Off again tomorrow to begin the first of three days across the meseta. Hear tell that it is F L A T without a tree for shade. Anyway, we are at a nice, if ever so slightly dreary hotel in Burgos with all the amenities, tomorrow night as well (taxi ferry from end of walk and back the nest day), so many comforts to look forward to.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Calle de Madrid,Burgos,Spain

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