Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Ninth day El Camino

A 7:00 a.m. breakfast allowed us to leave Estrella by 7:40. We had a 17.88 mile day, so we were out the door as early as breakfast and last minute preparations allowed. This did allow us to see the sun rising. So great!

Would this be the way to go, or what!

More haystacks:

Tanya in front of a vineyard:

I confess that we each stole a grape. Agreed: Those grapes will make some fine wine.

A view:

Another pair of abandoned boots, this pair in need of a cobbler:

We had our cafe con leche break in the town of Vania, where, as we entered, we saw a wooden bull ring under construction. Two very old men without teeth told us that the bull fight would be tomorrow and showed us the street where the bulls run.

The town, decorated with flags, was buzzing in anticipation of this event. Never have we seen so many people crowding the streets. There are people coming:

and people going:

The local panadería made a bread sculpture of toros:

What this king has to do with the event I do not know, but young boys dressed in white with red scarves (capes?) were enjoying playing around it:

Dog just having emerged from dog house:

Logroño is city of some size. We wandered its streets for a while mostly in search of something to eat. Alas, we were between lunch (here until 4:00) and dinner (not until 8:00 at the earliest). Finally we found a bar that served so-so tapas and then an ice cream shop. It sufficed.

Philosophy in tile:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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