A couple of days ago, shortly after I left the B and B to which I had been bumped (to my great good fortune), I met Tanya and Ian, an Australian couple with whom I have been walking:
I was going to import their picture, but I can't access photos other than today's and I have messed up this draft four times already, so again, pictures have to wait. OK, I canm but I don't have a good picture!
Tanya is walking with a broken arm that has been set with plate in it; she keeps her arm in a sling. I do not know how she does it. Another couple, Mandy and John have been part of the company too, for a couple of days, but we lost them today.
It's been great having this companionship! We hardly went "off course," but when that happens, it is beyond comforting to be with others.
Last night's B and B was positively luxurious! A spacious room, welcoming common area, gorgeous breakfast with fruit in every state fruit can be in: fresh, dried, and stewed. A great shower! The only problem was that the bed was miserably uncomfortable! What can you do!
Yesterday's town, Orton, boasts a chocolate shoppe, where we stopped for hot drinks, most especially delicious when you are freezing and wet. After we had sat for a bit, I bought some rocky road chocolates. Alas, they met a sad end. I forgot that I had put them in my raincoat pocket, so they ended up in the boiler room where all sopping gear goes to dry. Oh well.
Also regarding yesterday--we officially left the Lake District, which normally would have been sad, it being so beautiful and all, but the weather had turned the days there into a terrible trial.
In fact, a man who was guiding a formal group told us than in his six years of doing this work, this was the worst weather he had experienced in the Lakes, so you see, in hyperbole I am not indulging.
I love the Dales! Here are some baby animals we saw today:

Kirkby Stephen is the second biggest town on the route. It has a traffic light and a grocery store. Dinner was a sandwich, chips, some fine cherries and strawberries, and chocolate. It beats pub food after a while.
We actually walked more than fifteen miles today,but not having to climb mountains and deal with rain gear made it seem like less. Also, there is some sine-age (spelling corrector won't let me do it any other way) now that we are out of the Lakes:

Not loving this B and B but it does have wi-fi! It was one of those I had not chosen, but the proprietress did serve hot tea and a decent scone. The shower is barely a trickle and the toilet runs. Cooking odors pervade the halls, then again, on the plus side, one does not have to fight for a 7:30 a.m. breakfast.
Tomorrow's plans a bit iffy. Tanya's foot hurts, so it is not clear what the plan is. The walk is a big challenge in boggy terrain. It is the section I took the road last time.
I am writing this in a room with a TV on and loud; hard to concentrate.
Wait! I have a riddle (look both ways, chicky!):

Why did the chicken cross the road?

You'll gave to take my word for it: to poop! (Max will love it!)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Kirkby Stephen,United Kingdom
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