Friday, July 15, 2011

Arrive at Ennerdale

I am still trying to get photos into the blurbs. Hmmm, let's see if it works when not in "edit" mode. No, it does not. I have tried everything I can think of. Waiting for further technical support. Thing is, since I did it once, one would think that I could do it again; simply cannot figure out the problem.

Today was a perfect walking day; weather San Francisco-like, but now it is raining. Tomorrow is the most gorgeous of all the gorgeous days of the route, but the forecast, alas, is not good. At least I will have the company of Ruth and Paul, and this year, also Nina, who will be joining us--all from Tour de Mont Blanc walk three years ago.

Logged 11 1/2 miles today; it felt like a lot. Clearly, I am not 100% yet, but it was such a pretty day and I am so sad that I cannot do a running photo narrative. I took pictures with that in mind. Maybe I will get that figured out soon.

I got "off track" a couple of times, but never badly. Isn't it great to be able to catch your mistakes early?! A guy who was staying at my B and B was starting out today using two sets of waypoints!

One is not supposed to check in to B and B's before 4:00 p.m., but I arrived at mine at 2:30 and fortunately, the proprietress did allow me to come in and get settled. A delicious pice of cake was waiting in my room. It was perfect with a cup of tea.

Short post today unless I get back early from dinner and figure out the photo thing! Nahh, if I get back early, I am going to bed!

1 comment:

  1. Great way to keep in touch, Vicki. I'm loving being able to follow you as you do the walk. Can't wait until next summer and the Thames.
