Thursday, July 14, 2011


Technical skills still seem to be wanting!  Yesterday wrote about the trip over, but maybe, mercifully for ya'll, there was no "Post" option when I was done.  Should that happen again, I shall e-mail to Alex, who will be good to her mama and post for me. 

In a nutshell, the trip over was completely and wonderfully uneventful.  The plane pulled away from the gate on time and landed on time!  Having ingested a fast-acting soporific upon being seated, I slept or dozed the whole way.  It makes all the difference!

Immigration line in Heathrow a stunning reminder of the huge variety of humanity that inhabits our world. Just looking at the different hairdos keeps one occupied until the nice lady asks questions, the answers to which will determine whether you can pass GO or not!  Unlike the Verizon lady whose security question was "What is your favorite song?" This lady asked, when told I was doing the Coast to Coast walk, "Where do you start and where do you end?"  I was wondering if she had been trained in Israel.

Speaking of Israel, there, when you ask for directions, the askee points and says, "That way." Here, it seems that the stock answer is, "Just 'round the corner!"  The corner in a station? Which corner?  A 90 degree turn or a gentle 60 degrees? 

Caught train  to Carlisle by a hair; I mean the doors were closing.  This is because you try to find platform 16 in Paddington Station so that you can catch the very S L O W  underground to Euston Underground Station and from there wend your way to Euston Train Station, at which place you must get your ticket validated. One person says "Take the escalator up."  Another says "Take the escalator down."  And there you are running hither and thither with back pack and shlepping suitcase until you finally find the yellow and pink line on the floor that leads you there. 

Oh well.  Met two jolly men on the final leg of the journey.  They were on their way to pick up mobile homes and drive them back down south to sell them.  It's a lliving!

Going to try to post this and then continue. 

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