Monday, July 11, 2011

How is this walk different?

How is this walk different from all other walks? On all other walks I went either alone or with a friend; on this walk I am going alone, so it is not different in that way.

On all other walks, I agonized for some time over what to take; on this walk, I agonized, too, but not so much except over the backpack, about which more some other time, so this is more or less the same.

On all other walks, I set the itinerary, including rest days, but had a full service company choose and book the B and B's. For this walk, I chose the B and B's myself—very much fun—paying Sherpa Van Service (hmmm, can't figure out how to insert link, will have to consult with IT support team--Michael, are you there?) a flat fee to make the reservations. It remains to be seen whether my choices prove to be superior.

I did not get all my requests, like, for example, the Quaker place in Grasmere. About that one I am not whining, and, in fact, am kind of curious and interested to commune with Friends for a night so long as I don't have to pray at meals or anything.

On all other walks, I did not take a camera; this time I have one in hand, hope I can use it, and can transfer pictures—or must one say "pics"
these days—to this blog, which is also, whoa, a brand new undertaking, most intimidating.

On all other walks, I did not have a sack full of adaptors, cords, connectors and whatnot to service said camera, recently acquired iPad (so excited about that) and cell phone, but on this walk, I do. (Just tried to import picture; failed! Need more IT support.)

Sadly, I cannot take advantage of 3G since it apparently goes into bankrupt mode when activated overseas, and who wants that?

On all other walks, I took only two tee shirts for day wear—not to worry, Marjorie, I do laundry every day—and one outfit for evening; on this walk, I added a third shirt for day wear and one extra, long-sleeved garment for evening, rounding out my wardrobe to a new level of chic.

Well, that is it for this post; I learned what I cannot yet do using the blogging app. The Getting Ready chapter will have to wait. All in good time!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Still in New Haven, CT, USA

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