Monday, July 8, 2024

Santiago de Compostela July 07

I had no sense of accomplishment upon completing the Camino.  Maybe that is because it is not over....I still have the six-day Finisterre and Muxia legs...or maybe because I had/am having too many "rest"days.  It just does not feel like a big deal.  That said, although I have been to this city twice before, this was the first time here when the sun was shining.  That makes a huge difference!  There was a feeling of fun and delight in the plaza of the Cathedral as throngs of people so happy that they had arrived were celebrating.  In fact, one group, the group leader, that is, hired a piper and dancers for his charges:  

 (Go here to read about the Cathedral and here to see photos).

In bars and cafes nearby,  there were people eating and drinking and singing flamenco songs and clapping their hands in that distinct rhythmic, flamenco way .  Such a delight and so much energy!

Sometimes I have trouble knowing exactly when to use the word ironic, however, where I am staying, and let me tell you, it is a gorgeous place, is the height of irony:

Yes, I am in the Hotel of the Catholic Kings! Still shaking my head in wonder.

A view from my room:

But go to the  website and as you scroll down past the calendar and stuff like that, you will be able to click on different options, such as rooms, common spaces, and such.  My room is, for sure, the least expensive, but what detail.  Just two examples:  heavy, brass pulls on the closet door: 

and the hangers, which are covered in velvet and topped with brocade (the brocade does not show in the picture except for one tiny strip)

This final stage was not difficult and it was certainly better than most stages of El Norte:

Looks a lot like yesterday!  And, again, there were many opportunities to refuel if one felt the need.

Especially notable was the temperature.  It was 44, yes, 44 degrees when I set out at 6:30 a.m..  For the first time, I put on my wool gloves, happy, indeed, to have them!

Wisteria growing on a wall.  I cannot be 100% sure that those purply flowers are wisteria, but I am going with that since my knowledge of botany is, shall we say, limited:

Someone gave up too soon:

This afternoon I followed an injured bird into a church.  I hope his being there helped heal its injured wing:

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