Thursday, July 4, 2024

Miraz July 03

 Not exactly Miraz because I walked a couple miles past Miraz and then got transported back to Bi Terra, the three-night-stay place.  Picked up again at 6:30 a.m. to be taken back to Baamonde.  I really don´t like these transportation arrangements, but there is no choice here for the non albergue crowd, so here I am.

Mostly the same walking conditions, you know, too much road, only easier. 

One of several huge masses of lavender on the property:

A very old, low wall, no doubt adequate to keep cows or other domestic beasties from wandering only there were none:

For a short stretch, there was an abrupt change of scenery:

A cat:

who wanted to make friends:

Old house:

I could not decide which of the trees had a more interesting shedding-its-bark look, so here are two:

Something appealing about the steps so carefully placed:

When I got back, I had yesterday´s dinner for lunch, as ordered.  It was a cod omelette.  Actually, it was lots of onions, lots and lots of onions and lots and lots of oil, in egg and a bit of cod, and the salad may have had some flavor, but I did not detect it.  Salt and pepper helped, but you have to ask for it as Spanish food tends to be very au natural.  This gastronomic detour will repeat tomorrow.  

Yesterday, there were two other guests here, women from Germany, in their seventies, I´d guess.  One of them, who spoke a little English, looked quite refreshed with lipstick and all, not as if she had trudged a bunch of miles. We got to talking.  When I commented on the too muchness of the hard surfaces of the route, she seemed puzzled.  It turned out that these two frauen are taking the bus from place to place!

The magnetic charger arrived to day much to my surprise since the tracking still had it in the warehouse in Santiago de Compostela!  And a good thing I was basking outside in some gorgeous weather when the DHL driver showed up because not a soul was around.  Rather than a signature being required, my passport number was!  ¡Qué raro!  Now I am all set charging wise, both overnight and emergency backup, and a good thing, too, because I am listening to The Last Lion, (a biography of Churchill) the first volume a mere 44 hours, and audio can eat up battery, at least it seems to.

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