Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Muxía July 14 and 15

Let´s just jump to the end, more or less.  Tell me, is this the way to end a two month long walk in Spain?


There has to have been a lot of rerouting most likely to accommodate cyclists. If not that, then since there has been a fair amount of deforestation, the route has been diverted to main roads.   In any case, this highway schlep hardly elicits joy!  It is more, "Are we there yet?"

Arrived in Muxia at 10:30, and again the receptionist, who I think was actually the owner, let me up to the room.  Sometimes I think my less than fluent attempts to speak Spanish help in matters such as this.  The guy looked at my passport and asked, "Did you hear that Trump was shot?"  "¡Claro!"  Holding up my phone, "¡Tengo mis dispositivos!" (I have my devices.)

I did a smart thing today and put my Keenes in the pack, so that I could change when I got here.  I had figured out the suitcase delivery schedule for this section of the trip, so knew the bag would not arrive until about 2:00.  Reshod, I set out to do a six mile rather challenging coastal walk but the wind was beyond awful.  I could barely walk against it, so I just walked along the shore.  When I went down to the beach I thought "This would be so bad for a person wearing contact lenses!""  The sand got into your eyes, your mouth, it stung your legs.  I cannot imagine a sandstorm in the desert!  Then, just to spice things up, it started to rain!  Apparenlty it has been raining pretty much since October.

The water was several different colors:

So, this is it!  No feeling of accomplishment, just a feeling of "OK, it is over! I made it!  On to Madrid!"  

I wasn´t being picked up until 8:30 so there was time for an early morning walk. 

Muxia 6:30 a.m.



Ahh, what a nice time for the gulls when no one is around:

Of a truth, though, it is unlikely that the gulls have to share this bit of beach very often. 

Confession:  I could not bear my boots for one more minute, so I deposited them in a secluded spot where they can take a rest for a      l.      o.       n.        g.     time.

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