Saturday, July 13, 2024

Finisterre July 12

I did not see much of Cee yesterday, but I did see Cee this morning.   The walk began along the water and it was quiet and a complete delight.  Also, it was a gorgeous day, the first in some time. I do love setting out before sunrise to catch moments such as this:

There were still shade of grey:

That, too, was beautiful!

Shells are a major motif of  Los Caminos:

Cat of the day:


If you want to sound like a local, you would say Fisterre.  If you want to show off your Latin, Finisterre.  In any case you are at the end of the land is where you are, on the Atlantic coast at the westernmost point of Spain. 

I arrived at 10:00 a.m., stopped at the hotel and told la recepcionista that I knew it was too early to check in, but could I use the aseo (bathroom)?  "Your room is ready," she said, but in Spanish.  "¿De veras?"  Really?  It was so nice to be able to go to my room, lighten the backpack, go to the bathroom not behind some bushes, and drink the ice cold water that was in the mini-frig!  Some days you get lucky!

There is a lighthouse about an hour´s walk from Finisterre, but I did not go there because I already did the last time I was here, and it is a hideous walk for an hour along a highway—not to mention an hour back—no shade, lots of cars, but I was tempted because I remembered a cafe, where, I assume, they sell good ice cream.  Most people would opt for a beer, so maybe my expectations would have gone unmet!  Had my suitcase arrived early enough, I might have schlepped out there since I would have been able to change my Zamberlan boots for the Keene sandals, but it didn´t so I couldn´t.  Instead, I walked along the coast around town.  

This sand is MY sand:

There will be so grocery stores tomorrow or the next day.  Tomorrow because there are none, and the day after because it is Sunday.  This means careful planning for two and a half days....the half includes Monday morning.  I will not starve; I just worry that I will!

1 comment:

  1. That is the healthiest looking cat on this trip!
