Monday, July 15, 2024

Lires, July 13

Oh, hello, collection of cats!

Almost immediately after starting out today, and just after the cats, I saw a Camino sign, then, as is my custom, glanced at the route on my phone. They so did not match!  I did not know what to do.  By and by two men came along and pointed me in the direction of the yellow arrow, so for a few minutes I walked along, but then thought, "Ya know, the other route looks more beautiful, above the ocean and even a beach section, I think I will turn around and do that instead."  So I did.  For about an hour it was lovely.........until a left turn onto an unmarked path.  I took the path for about 10 minutes or so.  It started to become a steep downhill and somewhat overgrown.  I got kind of scared and decided that to continue would be risky.  Coastal paths can have some serious droppage and other difficulties such as you could fall off.  I also worried that the beach section might be affected by the tide,  (YOU NEVER KNOW!) so I turned around, reached the road, and, leaving that adventure behind, figured out a way to get to the standard, boring path, which turned out to be really boring. 

The nice recepcionista at the hotel let me into my room early.  I took a few things out of my pack, went downstairs and refuelled with a sparkling water and a magnum, and then did a three mile walk around a bit of coast.  But since this is a town with nothing in it, and I mean nothing except B and B´s, albergues and bar/restaurants, there is not much to do except admire the view.  Well, there is always another walk.....

On the way to Lires there was a lumber concern.  The machine spitting out the wood chips made a lot of noise:

And this is the guy who moves the logs, sort of like the guy who moved those bales of hay, only this guy scoops up the logs from the front:

Dude, I feel your pain:

View from the local walk in Lires:

Coastlines are so often dramatic.  Just think, had I not turned around, I would have been walking above that (unless there had been some other outcome):

Sign out in the middle of nowhere where there is nobody!

It is heather time!

And yellow-lilies-that-look-like-wax time:

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