Monday, July 8, 2024

Pedrouzo July06

 After a few miles, the road from Arzua meets the Camino Français, the famous Camino.  What a different experience!  I had been waiting to walk on something like this since May!

Granted, the entire stage was not like that, but it wasn´t on the road, either.

A particular lovely bit:

Some fields are waiting to be planted:

Some are waiting for harvest:

Shall I go?

I think I will stay:

Growing plants in old boots and sneakers is a thing:

There are tons of people on the Camino for the final stages.  I mean hordes,  
hundreds, slews, loads, flocks, throngs, crowds, multitudes, masses, waves, and they just keep coming and coming and coming and coming.  Oh, and to add interest to the scene, there are guys (I only saw men) on bicycles weaving through the people who are walking.  Yeah, it is a bit hairy.

The bars/cafés en route do a non-stop business.  People stop to eat and drink frequently.  It is all part of the scene!  

As I was returning from doing my errands in Pedrouzo to my wee room in this pension sort of place, I was really swimming against the tide!  This is a completely different feel from El Norte!  Oh, and even though poles are not needed, everyone has them.  It gives your arms something to do!   But the cool people use only one, it being more pilgrim-like that way

 Tomorrow it will be the same, but I leave early—OK, so do some other people—  but there will be many souls passing me, for sure!

Oh, today a guy stopped me and told me that my backpack was crooked.  He gave one strap a tug, and I gotta say, the pack feels so much better!

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