Tuesday, June 25, 2019

June 23 Salcedo to Berantevilla to Peñacerrada

Sergio, el taxista, picked me up today at 6:00 to take me back to Salcedo, the start point.  A good thing, too, because I made some major mistakes—missing turn offs and such—that cost me about an hour or more and it got pretty darn hot around noon, when I was thinking that I wished I had worn the thinner socks.  

The worst mistake was when I saw a waymark and started charging up the hill.  It was a good hill....wide, decent surface, not too steep, but it was the wrong hill, and I had gone at least a half mile if not more up that darn hill.  So down I sped even faster that I had charged up, and found the correct hill, which, being cement, was nowhere as nice as the wrong hill.  The waymark, it turns out, was one of those, "pay attention here" sort; it was not verifying direction.  And furthermore, it did not have that bend in it that signifies a turn.  VERY annoying.  At least my boots had dried out.

One of the many barking dogs.  He does not look too ferocious, but he sure was loud and there were five other yappy dogs in the enclosure with him:


Moving along, slowly:

I just wan't up to looking for the alternate to this path, so defying the prohibition, I just went.  Fortunately, there were no unpleasant consequences, and before long, I was where I was supposed to be.

I had planned to go to the grocery store on my way to the hotel, but this being Sunday, even the major supermarkets are closed, at least here.  It is going to be a lot of cheese and crackers and peanut butter for a few days.

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