Monday, June 10, 2019

First real walk day. Taxi showed up at 6:30 as scheduled and drove me the half hour to Puerta de Tarna where I was left in the fog. 28 K does not = 20 miles, but 20 miles is what it was, and it was hard, though not classified as such.  There were two navigational difficulties,  One at the very beginning where I could not find the path and thought I was back in Scotland again amid the moors and the sinking ground and the wet and the mud and all of that.  But miraculously, I got straightened out even though that involved climbing over a pretty high gate.  Fortunately, the dog on the other side was casi muerto, if you know what I mean, and so did not bother me.  Another dog, later on, was uninterested as well.  They should all be like this:

The second difficulty pertained to a fenced off area where the GPS definitely said "Go this way."  I was thinking that maybe I should follow a fenced area instead, but had no idea if it would turn back towards the route or not, so I braved the barbed and electric wires, and trudged through a wet, muddy field, not quite as bad as in paragraph one.  

BTW, the GPS is doing its job well on the official path.  Gaia has become useless, and View Ranger is helpful.  It was worth the $20.00

 A black cow with curvy horns:

Speaking of animals, I learned today that horses wear cowbells, at least some do.  They looked a little silly, but the sound of many bells is quite lovely.   

There was a long climb, very long, but less long than ones to come, and steep downhills.  This is a two Ibuprofin night so that I can move tomorrow.  

After a long climb, one sees:

A cemetery.  (The flowers are not real):

Walking within the view:

The weather was cold then hot then cold then it hailed for about five minutes, then it was cool.  I really need a grocery store!  Guy at B and B very nice, though, and gave me bread, milk, which, here is most often sold in boxes, and a big bottle of water.  All enhanced my supplies, especially since I used a toaster even not knowing if that was permitted!  Sometimes not asking is best.

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