Thursday, June 13, 2019

June 10-12 Prioro-Camporredondo-Cervera Pisguerga

Left Los Apartamentos in Prioro with a slam of the door.  Not that there was anyone to hear it, but it was a statement, in its own little way, nonetheless.  It was 35 degrees and soon after setting out, which, again took a bit of time because, well, it is often not easy to find your way out of these maze-like towns.  Soon after getting going, it started to rain.  Not the terrible English sleeting rain, but a cold, steady drizzle.  Not bad for walking, really, but it is always a pain to get out the rain gear and pack cover and don jacket and pants by the side of the road.  Back cover was put on inside out, but it did not seem to matter.  Hands were freezing, freezing, I tell you, even with wool gloves. Note to self:  next time, remember to put on waterproof mittens.  Anyway, very long climb at the beginning and another later on, and the walk was 16.5 miles, a lot of which was on track, which is hard on the feet.  Actually, I think the new boots, while awfully good looking, or at least they were to start with, are slightly inferior to the discontinued model they have replaced.  Soles seem just not quite as thick. Anyway, it was a tough day.

Apparently, I am not the only one who thought so:

Hostel in Camporredondo is very pleasant:  sunny room great view, and the  couple who run it could not be nicer.  While there is no grocery store in this townlet, one can buy ice cream at the bar.  Nothing is better than a Magnum—except maybe two—after a hard day's hike.  OK, most people would say "a cold beer" instead, but a double chocolate Magnum is pretty darn delicious.  And yes, a second, this time, almond, followed.  Those treats really perked up the bread, peanut butter, jam, and an apple.

View of the day:

Thought these might have been wild horses, but their bells quashed that notion:

This explains Assyrian art::

Next day, 20 miles, muscles that run along side calfs very sore.  Had it not been for that, it would have been a nice walk.  Oh, except that the GPS DIED.  Got a low battery warning, put in fresh fodder, device would not turn on.  Tried another set and a third.  Nada.  GPS so dead that it will not open when connected to the computer.  This is like England all over again except this time, had to make emergency request to Ilene to try to get me a new one and send it ASAP.  Not all bad, though.  Route today was not difficult to follow, View Ranger is definitely helpful, and I have an old GPS that did crank up, but it could D I E any second!!


1 comment:

  1. GPS should be waiting for you at Friday’s destination!
    Ps. Did you notice that your wild horse appears to have 8 legs, and the other day a photo of a cow appeared to have only 3?
