Sunday, June 23, 2019

June 22 Tuesta to Salcedo

VWB:  Very wet boots.  This is the same pair that looked so nice a couple of weeks ago.  I have one thing to say about them:  waterproof they are not.  Ten minutes in wet grass, and they are soaked through.  Well, that was yesterday's story.

Loved the walk today!  No terrible navigation problems, though in one place I felt as if I were walking through Mr. McGregor's garden (not that this was the first time), but I met up with the proper path and no one was there to shoo me away.

There was variety in the paths.  Most of the surfaces were good, way marking was sometimes wonderful, but sometimes you wondered if it hadn't been someone's lunch break and they decided not to come back and finish the job.  I had a taxista coming for me at the end point, so time was of the essence.  I was early—gotta beat that clock, you know—and Sergio the taxi driver not only picked me up, he took me to the grocery store and waited for me.  The store was huge and since items are not organized the way we expect, it is really hard to find things.  One item I wanted was crema de cacahuete.....peanut butter.  There were no people stacking shelves or anything like that, so I asked a cashier and got a nod towards the general direction.  I asked a shopper: same thing.  Finally an armed security guard, would you believe, took me over to the peanut butter.  There was one brand.  It will do.

View in one direction at about 7:00 a.m.

And view in the other direction:


Note absence of people.  There are lots and lots and lots of very loudly barking dogs, fortunately, rarely on the loose.

A different sort of sound comes from the church bells.  Even on the half hour they may play quite elaborate tunes.  

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