Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Warm Up!

Ahhh, nice fresh-smelling sheets for our beds, a small luxury:

Heading out on our warm-up walk to Glasgow, some extra sustenance of the freshly baked variety was required:

Actually, being well-suppled from lasts night's spree at Mark and Spencer's food emporium, we had plenty for lunch, so did not actually buy anything at that bakery, but I have been told that everyone likes photos of food, so why pass up an opportunity to please?
The walk to Glasgow, is ten and a half miles, but we did it in fifteen plus. Mostly you just follow two rivers, the Allender and the Kelvin. This is the Allender:

The Kelvin looks pretty much the same. Sometimes there is a bend in the river:

Sometimes you have to turn away from the river because the path just stops. That is when losing the way happens. It was a gorgeous day, sunny and cool, and the walk was easy and pretty, so these unplanned diversions were not so bad.
The branches of this scary-looking tree reached down to the path:

But these primroses cheered the way:

One diversion that was planned was a visit to Glasgow's botanic gardens. Isn't this a gorgeous orchid?

I have no idea what this is but it is from a tropical clime:

There was some fascinating information about Pandas and their diet of bamboo. I took a picture of the narrative but it didn't come out clearly enough, but do look up "pandas and bamboo" or some other search terms to find out about this. It is really really interesting. Since I cannot show you a picture of that, here is one more exotic flower:

This sad tale of King Robert of Sicily (who knew?) did photograph:

And here is the poor wretch, naked, and with his little monkey friend:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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