Saturday, May 25, 2013

Rowardennan to Inverarnon

After a beautiful breakfast, as we were about to leave, packs on our backs and all, the B and B proprietress asked, quite sweetly, "Now which of you ladies is going to pay the bill?" "Why that would be me!" A quick run back to the room to pick up the money, inadvertently left on the dresser and then handed to its proper recipient solved the problem. Isn't the passive voice perfect for some situations?

The walk along Loch Lomand was, again, gorgeous. And guess what! We took the high road, but don't be impressed. Apparently, it is the easier of the two routes.

A couple of samples what the the side away from the loch looked like:

Bluebells are still in abundance and brilliant, but we saw many primroses. Since I have had a few sips of beer tonight, I can hardly think straight, so choosing photos is simply too much to ask, therefore, two shots of the dozens taken are here:

A striated rock with moss:

Always, waterfalls are more impressive live:

The loch slurping against the shore:

Speaking of senses, the two best smells have been of bluebells and pine; today wild garlic became a third. Sounds have been abundant: birds whose names I do not know, the wind, many kinds of water: large falls, smaller falls, brooks and streams. But today, we heard a very sad sound. Way way up on a cliff, aha, an occasion to use the word arete (right, crossword puzzle fans?) was a mama sheep calling MAAAAAA repeatedly, and repeatedly she was answered by a baby BAAAAA only the baby's cry came from way over on the other side of a big stream. How it got there, we could not figure out.

Can't leave those bluebells alone:

Feral goats! We were so excited to spot several of these large shaggy creatures:

And, of course, its baby:

Tomorrow beautiful weather is forecast again. We did a significant section today of rock-root-boulder-narrow trail kind of walking, slow going to be sure--you had to watch every step you took--but all I could think was ohmygod, if one had to do this in the pouring rain, how treacherous and scary it would be.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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