Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Ways: WHW and GGW

A new year and a new walk! Two walks, actually. This excursion to Scotland allows for two technically different walks: The West Highland Way and the Great Glen Way. In geographic terms that means we—Jerry Anne and I—will walk from Glasgow to Inverness. The mid point, Fort William, is the locale for those who want to experience Britain's highest peak, so they say, Ben Nevis. We will do that, too. Because why not? Now, to be honest, the walk does not begin in Glasgow, exactly, but in a little town, Milngavie, a few miles out. However, we shall walk the ten and a half miles from Glasgow to Milngavie (pronounced Mul-guy) because I am compulsive, because it is a good way to start, being flat and all, and because it is too hard to explain that you started in Glasgow if you really didn't.
The planning for this trip began last August, and it has been lots of fun preparing and arranging it all. I am responsible for all screw-ups, like, if we show up at a B and B and there is no booking for us. Unlikely, since I confirmed and reconfirmed, but still, YOU NEVER KNOW! I am also responsible for good choices, assuming there are some! We will be staying in a variety of places from hostel, to modest B and B, to a couple of really nice—from the pictures and according to Trip Advisor—B and B's. But reading Trip Advisor can be like going to a Cathedral. Not your everyday simile, right? Well, both claim so many and such superlatives that their credibility becomes questionable, pero, vamos a ver (but we'll see).
The point of this entry is really to see if I remember how to import photos, so now I am going to try to retrieve the one test test photo I took for this purpose:

Oh, there it is! Success! I am so happy! There is my suitcase, and there are my boots, all nicely waterproofed and spiffy-looking, and there is my trusty backpack, crammed with rain gear and lots of wind jackets, those thin bits of nothing that do wonders to protect one from the elements, except that we are going to have perfect weather this year.
Tomorrow we leave and Tuesday, early morning, land in Glasgow, one hopes. Jerry Anne has had a series of miss haps (is that really two words?) and bad luck lately--an Achilles tendon problem, a broken toe, and now a cold, but she will soldier on, and we expect to have a grand adventure!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:New Haven

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