Thursday, May 23, 2013

Milngavie to Drymen

Cold, wind, and hail, mixed with sun was the weather for our fist official segment of the walk. The cold was very cold as in wool tank top, thin wool base layer, wind shirt, light fleece, overall wind shirt, rain pants, gloves, and hat, and not a bit overdressed. But the rain was not torrents or anything. In fact, during the worst of it, we happened to be in the Glengoyne Distillery taking a tour. The tour was not the best tour ever, but the copper vats wherein the first stage of the process takes place were gorgeous, Pictures however, they did not let you take.

The scenery today looked like this:

Not so many sheep, but in this field, there were several Wilburs with their Maaa-maaas

To be perfectly honest, today's walk was a wee bit dull. Aye and there were some beautiful bits such as streams, waterfalls, muchas flores muy preciosas, but the walking was all on track except for when it was on road. This is track:

We arrived in Drymen four-ish and found our very nice B and B easily. It helps when one's accommodations are on Main Street. We have a grand view from the bathroom:

It is really pleasant to have enough room to be able to open our suitcases AND we have radiators, just the thing for drying laundry.

Jerry Anne relaxing after a long day:

Tomorrow's trek to Rowardennan is supposed to be challenging. But the weather service promises sun; that can make all the difference.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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