Tuesday, May 21, 2013

First Impresssions

After a less than fabulous flight, we landed in Glasgow only fifty minutes behind schedule, but so speedy and efficient were the immigration and customs (they did query us in a most detailed manner, a process that included a "request" that we divulge the amount of our funds whilst we planned to cavort in their bonny country), not to mention an almost instantaneous delivery of the luggage from the flight, that any lost time was quickly made up.

We had planned to take a taxi to Milngavie, such being the recommendation of some source or other, but the queue was so long that it seemed silly to wait, so we took the bus, which happened to be waiting right next to the taxi stand. Off we got at the train station, and thence straight to the official start of the West Highland Way:

Oh--I almost forgot--first impressions! The air. The air here is fresh like you don't know from. Clean and crisp. The light I cannot explain but it is at a different angle and is very clear. Just so you should know, it is 9:30 p.m. and not yet getting dark ¡No anochece todavĂ­a! And of course, there are the flowers:

And dandelions that look like they are on steroids:

The town is prosperous and pretty. Our B and B has only two tiny guest rooms, very tiny, but it is a comfortable and our hosts let us check in at 10:30--the standard you-are-allowed-in time is 4:30, so you can see how nice they are! After a bit of rearranging, we headed out for lunch. Never does a huge latte taste better than after a transatlantic flight!

We explored the area, popped into a few shops, and then headed over to the local art gallery where there was a most impressive exhibit of children's (ages 8-17) art work. Here are a few samples from the 8-10 group:

On the patio of our B and B, we dined in splendour, serenaded by rich and melodious birdsong:

Tomorrow we walk from Milngavie to Glasgow, and who knows, maybe back again, too!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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