Monday, May 27, 2013

A Short Day-Make That Two- and Off The Trail

Nine miles in fine weather, through gorgeous scenery feels like a short stroll, and in fact, today's walk was essentially a half day. No drama, but still, much prettiness to see on the way. For example, this bridge:

And whoa, what a tunnel!

Shamrocks in flower:

And here are some dancing on a log:

Snow atop a Munro (Just guessing--a Munro is a Scottish hill, which is over 3000 feet):

Our B and B, a very nice one, may I say, is a working farm. Here are a few of the residents. First meet the long-haired rabbit:

These ladies provide eggs for breakfast:

And this poor alpaca is fresh from the shearing:

People ask, "What do you DO on these walks? Doesn't it become boring?" No, not for a minute. Get out there and try it, I say. It is exhilarating. Following the nine miler was a just-shy-of twelve mile day, from Ewich House to The Bridge of Orchy. We made tracks today! Even though Jerry Anne had to stop and put plasters on her sore foot, in the pouring rain, yet, we reached our destination, soaked, before 1:00 p.m. Yes, it rained today, rather hard. Why has someone has not figured out how to make waterproof gloves? Why did the rain gear get soaked through? Why did the lovingly-sno-sealed boots admit water--well, that one I have answer to, we had to go through some too-deep water crossing a stream, but even so. Probably all these things came to pass so that there would be something to complain about. Oh--no photos today; hands too cold.

At the Bridge of Orchy hotel, divested of sopping wet gear, we plunked down for a hot latte (for Jerry Anne, a hot chocolate) and some lunch, then taxied back to Ewich House where a splendid hot bubble bath in a huge tub felt like, well, I am guessing, an expensive spa treatment. AND we have all afternoon to read, do crossword puzzles and, would you believe, relax?

Off the trail there is so much to do. Find the B and B, ask the essential questions: Do you have wi-fi? Is it possible to have breakfast at 7:30? Where is a good place to go for dinner? (Or else, import a picnic, which we do as often as is practical.) Then up to the room, and it is zip zip zip: Zip the side pocket of the pack, take out the camera. Zip the other side pocket, check the GPS, record the mileage, turn it off. Put it back. Zip zip again. Zip zip zip the suitcases. Zip open the pack with all the electrical supplies. Zip it shut (lest an adaptor get lost). Zip zip the lunch bags to throw away the refuse. Zip zip, the bag that has one's "evening wear." Zip the cosmetics--a hot shower is waiting. The chorus of zippers seems not to stop. Empty out the unused water, do the laundry, throw away today's maps and get out tomorrow's. Look them over, put them in the pack. Figure out how to procure provisions for the next day. Since arrival time at the B and B is usually 4:30-5:00 p.m., there really is not a lot of time before dinner to get all these things done. Housekeeping takes time! A walk about town, if, in fact, there is a town, is always a must. Then there is keeping up with the blog, some newspaper articles, and trying to read some Spanish. Sometimes the B and B owners are very chatty, sometimes not. Before bed, one has to make sure all is in order for the next day. An early bed time allows for a bright start the next morning; another feast for the senses awaits.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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