Friday, May 24, 2013

Drymen to Rowardennan

First, a quiz! What is this? (Answer at the end.)

We had a glorious day, appreciating every second of perfect weather, especially since we had 18.85 miles to cover. Not all of it was "official" because we took the advice of Colin, Mr. Braeside B and B, to take a side excursion to Inchcailloch Island, for, we were told, the island was carpeted with bluebells and that it was a spectacular sight. Of that, more later.

Along the way, there was this:

deforestation of miles of pines. So sad and so ugly. However, at least these logs served as a "bathroom."

A bit of today's trail, either up or down conic hill:

at the top of which hill was a spectacular view of Loch Lomand, which, at 23 miles long, 5 miles wide, and 623 feet deep at its deepest, is much more impressive than it appears in this poor photo. Some of the islands you see have been lived on at one time or another, sort of like the Thimble Islands!

People who worry sheep are very naughty:

Because you can see how adorable they are. Can you see a bit of the shy one hiding behind her two more photogenic friends?

To get to the island, Colin had told us to look for a wee man with a wee boat, a row boat. Heading down to the shore, we actually found such a fellow and asked, "Are you the wee man with the wee boat?" "No," said he, "Not I. Go over there and they'll fix you up." So we did and were directed to a ferry taxi, which would carry us over to the Island and come to fetch when we wanted, so long as it was on the hour or the half hour. Said boat was not the Knotty Buoy:

On the boat was delightful family, three generations, going over to the island to take some family photos. Here are Olivia, Brudy, and James:

After a good belting of "On The Bonny Bonny Banks of Loch Lomand" by all, we were quite happy:

As promised, everywhere the eye turned, bluebells. A swath? A carpet? A mass? Truly an impressive sight:

Here are a few up close:

Now, this is the wee man driving the wee boat back to shore, a trip of about five minutes:

Back to the task and on from Balmaha to Rowardennan, and don't believe anyone who tells you it is only seven and a half miles--well, maybe if you drive it it is. But look at the Highland cows! A mama:

And her calf:

At the end of our walk, which took us to a hotel where we are not staying, we bought dinner to go and brought it back to our abode for the night. We dined in full sun on the porch from which a had a marvelous view of the loch. Dessert was chocolate cake:

Answer to the quiz question:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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