Friday, May 31, 2013

The Devil's Stiarcase

Our top-of-the-line B and B, provides not only fluffy-spa-like robes, but dinner, if one desires. Of this offering we took advantage last night. Fresh trout (Jerry Anne) and salmon (me), certainly beat pub food. An extravagant breakfast that surpassed the deliciousness of dinner, fortified us well for the Devil's Staircase.

First, another quiz. (Answer at the end.) What is this:

On the way to the famous landmark, as one looks to the left, one sees:

And to the right:

And straight ahead:

Before the ascent, an urgent roadside stop:

But, awww, dandelions brighten a corner of the abandoned wreck:

The Devil's Stair case is not devilishly difficult nor does it have any stairs. But it was gratifying to reach the top:

Jerry Anne heading for some stepping stones:

A gorge:

Is this a gorgeous display of daisies, or what?

And we thought we had left the bluebells behind at Loch Lomand:

Answer to the quiz. Yeah, I know. It is the same as the last one!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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