Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Twenty third day El Camino

11.37 miles

Reluctantly we left our most charming and atmospheric hostal rural so far. The front desk looks very busy even when no one is working there:

In order to get to León early to experience a 424 stall market, we headed out before sunrise:

Dawn is hardly an event here. It is dark and then it is light, so an early departure is really not so crazy.

The walk to León can hardly be called gorgeous. Another day of walking near the road and then lots of industrial, pre-city areas. We were glad of a short day, an arrival before noon, and a rest day to look forward to. Our speedy pace stirred up a craving for some good pastry, and since we beat the arrival of our luggage, after check-in, we headed off to a fancy pastry shop near the hotel. Ummmm, large cinnamon bun like pastries (minus the cinnamon) and good, hot coffee for which one had to stand in line for ages, energized us for the excitement of the market.

We were disappointed! Except for the occasional olive stand:

this was not a food market--that was yesterday!--but lots and lots of clothing and "stuff," like pants:

and underpants:

and shoes:

and something for everyone, maybe:

This did not deter Tanya from considering a shirt:

While she resisted that item, she did find two lovely scarves.

Our most favorite item of the 424 stalls was, without a doubt, this "golden" handbag:

There were lots of people at the market:

and to make sure all hell did not break lose:

After all that looking at this and that and deciding that we are so done with markets, we were hungry and thirsty. Fortunately, in Spanish towns, one does not have to go far to find a cafe. Tanya and Ian were psyched that two cafes con leche, one agua con gas, y dos reposterías cost only 3 euros 30.

Big guy languishing in a León plaza:

Now, not so lonely:

It tuned out that there was a blessing of the animals celebration in León the day we arrived. There were cows wearing sombreros, pulling carts decorated with flowers:

Children practicing their steps:

And ladies dressed in traditional costumes playing tambourines and castañetas:

Groups of people in the plaza in front of the cathedral singing:

And dancing:

You go, girl in the yellow skirt:

Is it over already?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Mansilla de Mulas to León

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