Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Twenty fourth day, El Camino REST DAY

We are in a city with traffic lights, more hustle and bustle than we are used to, and staying in a regular sort of hotel. The beds are comfy, the floors are carpeted (maybe for the first time--or were they also in Burgos? Who can remember?) But the wi-fi no funciona! We are a bit miffed. But worse, Ian is not feeling well, so while he is resting, Tanya and I go across the street to one of Spain's super-stores:

This is a BIG department store with a supermarket on the lower level that has a gourmet section that rivals Whole Foods' speciality items. How sad that our suitcases cannot accommodate jars of hugely fat white asparagus, marvelous biscuits, jams, cheeses, wines and the like. The only thing manageable was saffron, but that will have to wait.

By late morning Ian felt better so off we went toward the cathedral, the must-see of León. On the way, we saw some birds of different feathers sharing a sandwich:

and the miracle of a woman who, it seems, can be pregnant and nursing at the same time:

Finally we get to the cathedral:

Within, I meet some friends. Here is Yael, with hammer and tent peg, looking strikingly like renderings of the Virgin Mary:

And the Queen of Sheba:

And a somewhat feeble Solomon:

After our visit, we tour the old section where we are delighted with the art----of different genres. There is painting:

And sculpture:

And a woman with a purse and hat but no head:


Yes. Gaudí is doing a fine job designing the building in front of him into which we could not go because it was closed, as so many things are:

As we make our way through town, we see a pig's head:

and a doll house:

and to round off our cultural experience:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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