Friday, October 18, 2013

Day forty ElCamino

Santiago Cathedral as seen from across the square in the pouring rain, the morning of our departure:

It was a gloomy start to a 14.69 mile day, but by late morning we could shed the rain gear. We are on our way to, Fisterra or Finisterre, depending on what map you consult.

After we leave the city, the niceness of the walk improves greatly. OK, so the paths were muddy, but not your-boots-stick-in-the-mud-and-you-can't-get-them out kind of muddy. And there were lots of trees:

The ferns are especially beautiful:

Messes of chestnuts lie on the ground:

Closer up:

Some critters have not fared well, like this lizard, por ejemplo:

or this headless snake:

There were many barking dogs behind fences, but this cocker wanted so badly to come out and join us. I know he did!

Fish is delivered (as is bread) in small towns by truck. It works like this: the driver starts leaning on his horn, set to a shrill, horrendous pitch, and as he approaches his customer's house, he beeps and beeps and beeps and beeps the horn. The customer eventually emerges and the transaction takes place:

As we move away from Santiago, the houses and gardens become more prosperous-looking.


Palms---note the stone bridge in the background:

Ivy covered turrets:


Entrance to an estate:

Tanya snitches some grapes, but truth be told, they were a bit too tart to eat:

Our hotel advertises A LOT as we approach Negreira:

Our expectations are, fortunately, low, as opposed to the shopping center where they were high and unmet! The room boasts a TV:

And, in case one needs a fill-up, a gas station is right across the busy street:

But the beer dispenser is a definite draw:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Santiago to Negreira

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