Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Day 38 Santiago

Monday, October 14, our trusty taxi driver turns up at the appointed hour of 7:45 a.m. to transport us back to San Payo where we continue heading west to complete the last few (let's say ten, although it was ever so slightly less) to Santiago.

It was still dark, but surprisingly, not cold, when our boots hit the track:

A fair section of the walk was quite pretty:

Some sections, not quite so much:

Icons of urbanization begin to appear:

We continue on, every step bringing us closer:

But when the little red man indicates, "Stop." We wait:

Making our way through the city:

A true, ahem, peregrino:

We have seen many many many churches but here is the first priest, we have sighted:

A piper (who played the same four bars over and over) and his dog welcoming walkers.....

on their way to the cathedral, whose hugeness is such that I cannot really take a photo of any merit at all:

Five hundred miles from St. Jean-Pied-de-Port:

and not tired.

We have lunch in an elegant restaurant, the walls of which are lined with fabulous carvings:

and sculptures stand in nooks:

Upholstered sofas and chairs and an art exhibit enhance the ambience:

Then we head outside to take in some of the sights:

No idea who or what, but lots of these sorts of scenes:

I overheard a visitor say that this august personage, now honored in the courtyard de la Universidad de Santiago, was a mathematician, but couldn't find out a thing about him:

A pedestal, flowers, and balcony:

and a grand colonnade:

Espying or espied?!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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