Monday, October 14, 2013

Day thirty six El Camino

We are so seasoned to walking that we complete 18.66 miles and are not even tired by day's end. That the weather has been superb is a factor, of course, but still....!

We leave Palas del Rei at about 8:15; the birds are up---see them on the tower, and one, on the right, flying away?

The day's walk is mostly along woodland track:

Of course!

We have seen a few of these woven huts with thatched roofs. What they are for, no idea:

Heather and gorse:

Here come the sheep:

They're coming closer:

And there goes the ass:

This cow is making lots of milk...


Cyclists crossing a bridge of flat stones:

And through the woods, the cavalry cometh!

Posters like this are ubiquitous. (Note the display of desserts at the bottom.) They can save a lot of explaining:

Another irresistible, tiny wndow with the sweetest little curtain:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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