Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Day Twenty eight El Camino

A pink horizon was the first sign of our most greatest walking day, so far, on El Camino.

Woods, paths, hills we go up and hills we come down, trees, grasses, bushes, vegetation of various kinds surrounded us all day. We are so happy!

Just look how big those stemless flowers grow in this rich environment:

After some time, we reach "the iron cross," which, it is said, marks the highest point on El Camino:

Isn't this a sweet little rustic structure?

Except it is....

for a hostel.

In case walking to Santiago is not enough (222 K more), we could shoot for Jerusalem:

Two playful onlookers:

Yes, mouintains!

Sometimes the path is not so easy to walk on. You really do have to watch your step, which means that you cannot take in everything around you all the time:

We were so excited by the mountains after days and days and days of flat walking that another look is not too much:

Phew, we have it right:

Two dogs taking their siesta in the sun after a good lunch:

Things for which I am a sucker and of which I take way too many photos:

Small windows with curtains:

or without, and boarded up:

or with glass and bars:

Old old old structures, especially with old old old stone steps:


Clothes hanging out to dry:

Now on to other things. Remnant of a big tree with a deep, swirly bark:

Mid afternoon of a perfect day we approach Molinaseca:

Ian and Tan:

And me:

We are staying at a place called El Palacio, and let me tell you, it is! Tan and Ian are given a room with 360 degree views. I have great views, too:

And this:

And a bathroom that is HUGE:

We go shopping. This tienda (store) advertises its wares on a genuine turntable. Rotating bananas....there is nothing like 'em:

More old steps! Aren't they great?

Profusion of petunias:

This has been a spectacularly lovely day.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Rabanal del Camino to to Malinaseca

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