Sunday, October 6, 2013

Day Twenty seven El Camino

We trudged 12.89 miles. Part of the time it rained; part of the time it didn't. Most of the time we walked near a road, but a short stretch took us through some woods, yeah. There was a fence, which, along almost all of its considerable length, people had woven things, mostly crosses of sticks:

You know you have arrived when you see this familiar sight (note the stork nest):

A sod roof in decay:

Almost everything is on the same street. We are at the Posada de Gaspar:

The rooms in our hostal rural are as plain as can be, but the building itself is 17th C; wood, stone and metal work wonderful to look at. The keys to the rooms are large and hand carved:

And after turning in the key, we head off for Molinaseca.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Astorga to Rabanal del Camino

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