Sunday, October 12, 2014

Lugo to Melide

The walk to Lugo was an endurance test. About 33 K, mostly on asphalt, in the rain, not much in the way of scenery. It was an exhausting slog. When I got to the hotel, a very nice one, especially appreciated under the conditions and also because this was a two night stay, I was told that my bag had not arrived. Not so terrible, despite being pretty done in. Went out for an ice cream which was delicious even though the lady gave me a flavor I had not asked for. One tiny grocery store was open but it was out of most fresh items because it is Feria week. I was especially excited to have an extra day in Lugo because I had known about the festival. I was expecting lots of pageants and parades, but, no, apparently I issued those; what was left was a succession of excruciatingly loud bands, some right in the square next to the hotel!

Lugo is famous for its Roman wall that runs around the city. I could not get a decent photo of even a segment of it. The curious should Google Lugo Spain Wall to see how impressive this structure is.

The town has a huge cathedral and also a decent museum. (By the way, even some museums are closed during the siesta hours, but then open again at about 4:30.)

There was a courtyard lined with Roman paving stones:

Love this take on Las MeniƱas:

Telling time before we used iPhones was ever so much more entertaining, don't you think?

Uhhhh.....strong arms:

There was a small display of fans. This was one of my favorites:

Not your usual mailbox:

Oh, the horrible band just stopped, but most likely it will be replaced by another for the entertainment of the good people of Lugo.

Tomorrow's walk is all on pavement, and heavy rain is predicted. It is the first time I will use my iPod while walking, and may even listen to some episodes of Wait, Wait; Don't Tell Me! And This American Life if I can tear myself away from the Spanish Lessons!

Tomorrow, now today...a seven hour walk in the rain, mostly on pavement, as advertised. Glad to be inside!

Suzie, this couldn't be yours?

The final 23 K to Melide, where the Primitivo intersects with the Frances, had some lovely sections.

The moon was still up as I headed out:

The rain held off for a while so I was able to catch one more shot of .....

walking, well-behaved as can be, with their cowherd.

It's over. 463 miles. Most of it gorgeous. How fortunate I am to have been able to do this. What next?

Waiting for an offer from National Geographic:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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