Saturday, June 25, 2016

South West Coast National Trail

So First I could not get The keyboard out of French. Finally figured that out and it went info Spanish, now  it is in some from of terrible English unless it is still in Spanish only you can't tell when you are using the external keyboard. Switch to iPad keyboard is painful in this one star app. You type and it sputters and does all manner of annoying things. Especially bad is its autocorrect feature, the designer of which spoke a language known only to itself, apparently. Alex installed blogsy but I can't figure it out. It has an HTML side and a write side, which do entirely different things, and I am not prepared to fight with that.

So just a short, experimental entry to see what the crash factor is like here in England, which has nothing to do with England, or even Brexit, of course 'cause they have very good wi-fi here along with a superabundance of carbohydrates. There are some little grocery stores, well Seven Eleven kind of stores, near the hotel....this is London, by the way...where they do sell a few fruits but not one as a single vegetable. One little store is called a super store; it has a branch about two blocks away. This store and its cousin are tiny and sell mostly suitcases.

The day was great even though the hotel would not let me check in early. It was great because I, having discovered the perfect how to sleep on the airplane potion, slept the whole way over. Here is what you do. You take half an Ambien (for me that would be 2 1/2 mg.) and a half a Valium (another 2 1/2 mg.) and you are sound asleep until landing.

The phone was a pain to take care of, and I bought a package I am sure I don't need, but this way I can use data to my heart's content for the duration. Besides, the walk to the EE store was quite nice.

Afternoon spent at the Victoria and Albert museum. Gorgeous place they got there! You walk in and are utterly wowed by the sculpture corridor. Two special exhibits: Botticelli revisited, and an exhibit on underwear. Some of the modern Botticelli interpretations were interesting, but unless weird, nothing desperately memorable. The underwear exhibit showed lots of corsets. Other than being grateful that corsets are no longer à la mode, that exhibit, too was somewhat disappointing. Ok so there was that Swarovski bejeweled bikini and bra that was to be worn under a sheer over garment. Not quite sure what the event for that would be. Maybe having a few friends over?

I am waiting for a photo to move over from the iPhone, but it isn't being picked up, and I didn't take my camera with me today, so no photo of birds eating my carrot salad in the V and A courtyard. It was clear that they quite enjoyed the cilantro in it.

Before heading off to Minehead mañana, I have to say that part of the fun of this adventure has come from working with Encounter Walking Holidays. From my first inquiries back in October through all the planning, to the final details, they have been so accommodating and helpful, and efficient, and ever so personable. A public thank you, Damon, if you are reading this.

This is it for a photoless test blog, so that I can see if I can get the external keyboard to function properly.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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