A mist-filled valley:

Please, sir, may I have some more?

Hotel in Salas!

The room is not as thrilling as the exterior walls or the interior atrium. Maybe some rooms, reserved for very special people, are really grand.
See the white umbrella? That bar will be tomorrow's breakfast spot since the hotel does not offer coffee before 8:30:

And a decent cafe con leche it was, too. Choices of go-withs were few. I selected a biscocci, which is not, as the name might suggest, a Spanish biscotti. It is somewhere between sponge cake and pound cake and it comes in different shapes, so you can be fooled into thinking that you are getting a muffin, say, unless you ask.
Leaving for Tineo at 7:30 a.m. meant that I got to use my headlamp for the first time. Very exciting. By 8:00 it was light enough to see, but still 22 minutes before sunrise, which will be one minute later every day from now on.
Bathroom (ahem) with a view:

Because, even though Don, who is one day ahead of me, had told me that this was somewhere en route, sometimes a girl can't wait:

A cold drink is nice:

And when the water is watched over, you can be sure it is potable as promised, although, if you decide to imbibe, it might be wise to leave a donation in the box provided (not in photo):

What I want to know is who comes to service this in-the-middle-of-nowhere, 24 hour-self-service vending machine:

The good people of Asturias want hearty hikers to know they are welcome:

As the guide book put it, mud on this section of the walk can turn a pleasant stroll into a slow slog:

View from another bathroom, this, from my hotel, one luxurious accommodation:

Admiring a pair of sturdy boots in the window:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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