Today's walk, 29K (28.9 rounded up), from Tineo to Pola de Allande, was supposed to be difficult and beautiful. It wan't so difficult and I can only vouch for half the beauty because the mist was so thick and enduring that one could not see farther than about thirty feet. But then, by about noon, yes, it was quite gorgeous. The way marking, so far excellent, was really lacking in places, which, as you can imagine, does put one in a tizzy. It can be quite time consuming to scout about for which of many alternatives is the right one and on a long stretch, spending time figuring it out is not what you want to be doing.
You want to be looking at the cobwebs:

And attending the annual snail convention:

And stopping at this famous bar of it were not closed:

And marveling at the scenery:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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