Sunday, July 1, 2012

West Lulworth to Kingston

Today's walk was supposed to be from West Lulworth to, Kimmeridge, a modest distance of seven and a half miles, but in fact it was just about double that because Ruth and Paul were going further on to Kingston, whence they could catch a bus to get back to Weymouth, where they had left their car. Wait! I forgot to tell you who Ruth and Paul are!

They are my wonderful friends whom Wendy and I met when we did the Tour de Mont Blanc in 2008. They live in Macclesfiled, some two hundred miles from Weymouth, and four times they have come to meet me to walk for a day—this year two days—in the UK. They are loads of fun and it is always a treat to meet them. I took advantage of their company, going a few miles past the designated spot where a taxi was supposed to collect me to bring me back to West Lulworth for a second night's stay, and then return me (Wendy is not walking theses portions) in the morning. The taxi driver is a whole other story, with which I shall not bore you. Let me just say that it is always wise to have plenty of extra cash on one's person at all times!

The section of the walk we did today was VERY DEMANDING! Huge ups and huge downs and they came one after another after another. Many with steps so far apart that they created their own mini climbs. There wasn't one mile of flat walking except for the last bit where we got off the path to divert to Kingston. But despite a gusty wind, we did have fine weather.

The photo does not capture the height, but it is a view:

A feature of today's walk was passage through the Lulworth military firing range. That the range would be open was a critical part of the planning process. To have missed this would have meant to miss the most spectacular views. I am so glad we got to experience such a grand section of the coast in clear conditions.

Don't think that it was without potential danger:

Or other restrictions:

A better camera—or a better photographer—would have captured the view more dramatically:

Ruth and Paul in front of a target.

There was a patch of dead trees covered with yellow lichen. What an unusual sight they were, very striking when you see lots of them together, which you do not in the photo:

At last, back in the teeny tiny room again:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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