Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A change in routine

Before tackling the last two substantial days of The Way, we scheduled a rest day. Since public transportation out of Wotton is almost non-existent, we had a taxi whisk us to the Westonbirt Arboretum some ten miles away. What a wonderful decision! Apparently, Westonbirt is the largest arboretum in Europe. Whether it is or not, I don't know, but the parts we walked though were gorgeous and truly awe-some.

Last night, Wendy said that we were not going to take a picture of every tree we saw. This was quite a surprise because Wendy is the big picture taker. Of course, her intention did not materialize, but you are going to see only a few shots, I promise.

Look at this trunk:

It is worth looking at this photo full size because who knew?

A lot of the magnificence is in the arrangement of the trees, but you just have to come and see for yourselves. Not being able to capture any of that, I opted for a few striking specimens, such as this one:

and this weeping evergreen:

Unfortunately, it started to pour, even though the day actually started out sunny, so we headed to the bus stop outside the garden to catch the 12:02 to Tetbury, a town famous for its antiques, not to mention a shop that Prince Charles owns, the proceeds from which go to a fund to help "troubled youth." I'll say this for his shoppe--it is magnificent! It was so so hard to resist the very fine linens: placemats, napkins, and towels. I mean really hard!

Of course, the first and central sight in an old wool town is the market square:

You can see that the buildings date from way back:

We visited some exquisite food shops. Would you get a load of this display of garlic?

One establishment sold lovely things for the garden:

Most had things for inside the home:

Quite by accident, the first antique store we visited, turned out to be the finest in town, but there we took no photos! Looking at the displays was just like visiting a museum.

Not every store had thrillingly tasteful wares:

There were beautiful flower shops:

And a bit of street whimsy:

At the end of the day, we were picked up at The Snooty Fox. (Isn't that a great name for a pub?)

For you cat lovers out there, here is the B and B's Burmese kitty. (I think the guy said it was Burmese.)

We are hoping that it won't rain too much tomorrow.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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