Saturday, July 7, 2012

Cleeve Hill to Ullenwood

After our very wet and very long day yesterday, Wendy opted to take the bus this morning to Painswick, where we are staying for two nights, not in a day off sort of way, rather as in a pick up and drop off sort of way.

So, at 8:45 a.m., I set off solo for the thirteen miles that would end in Ullenwood. The sky was threatening and I wondered if I would beat the clouds:

I was not completely successful, but the weather was not terrible. You know it is a slow day when all you can think to photograph is a BIG snail on the path:

Hmmm, are those white fluffy clouds, promising a bit of sun, competing with the heavy rain clouds?

After much wetness and grey, it was a delightful surprise to come upon a bit of colour around a bend in the path:

The Cotswald Way is very well sign posted. That noted, each time you see that official acorn (denoting a national trail), it thrills the heart:

It was very muddy a lot of the way:

And it only got worse:

This sign was a puzzlement because there are no people around these parts:


And these little bits of purple peeking through a fence:

I was picked up at Star College. See the star?

Whilst waiting, I heard the barking of a dog, much barking. Finally its owner let him out to investigate. The dog was an extremely old Newfie:

We are staying at a great B and B--it is full to overflowing with art of many kinds and objects collected from all over the world. Going from room to room, which the most wonderful owners encouraged us to do, is like visiting a museum. We are having a wonderful time in Painswick.

Stay tuned for photos (tomorrow) of the ninety nine yew trees in the church yard.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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