Sunday, July 1, 2012

Kingston to Swanage

Adrain, the amiable taxi driver, who also provided much interesting information about the area, brought me back to Kingston b(right) and e(arly) in the a.m. It was another perfectly clear day.

Right at the start of the path were some cows. They do like having their picture taken:

A marker and sheep:

See that line yonder that looks like a ski lift? It is an uphill. The shot is from about half way down the downhill:

But at the top, there is rest for the weary:

Some holes in the rock, clearly manmade:

They are the Tilly Whim caves. Let the interested read:

Learning that the caves are a haven for bats squelched my curiosity for a visit, which is just as well, seeing as there are no visits.

These are the caves from the other side:

On the way to Swanage, there was a castle--really it did not look all that much like a genuine, old-fashioned castle, but it had a cafe, "facilities," and exhibits, including an art exhibit. Because of the light, I could get only the head of my favorite piece. What a shame, the rest was fantastic!

Swanage is a sizable town with a very ugly developed area along the beach. Too bad, but on the up side, the B and B is quite decent, and we are meeting Mandy and John—from last year's Coast to Coast walk—tonight for dinner. Tomorrow we will walk with them to Poole where this half of the walk ends.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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