Friday, July 6, 2012

Stanton to Cleve Hill

Today it rained. It rained almost all day and it rained many kinds of rain: light misty rain, plain garden variety rain, pelting rain, driving rain, rain like hail. It was, in a word, wet:

It was also very very muddy, and it will be for the next two days, at least.

There was a sign noting that there was a bull in the field and were we ever scared to see several. The bulls, baruch hashem, turned out to be big cows, so all was well. Among the bovines was a bison. Go figure.

It was also misty:

By the path:

This little lamb ran to its ma-a-a-a-ma-a-a as we approached:

This even littler one did not:

The countryside and houses here look like Brideshead Revisted. See what I mean?

Sheep penned for sheering causing a slight diversion in the path:

We ended up walking 18.06 miles today, about three more than we should have walked, because we missed the turn-off to the B and B. When it is pouring, it is hard to get out the map stuff. It was discouraging to realize the mistake, but we turned back and eventually came upon two elderly gentlemen, who looked as if they were straight out of Sherlock Holmes. One of them, walking his dog, when asked if he knew where our B and B was, told us that he was going that way, and escorted us down the hill, saving us about a half to three quarters of a mile more walking in the pouring rain.

We were so happy to get to the very nice B and B. The shower felt wonderful!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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