Friday, June 16, 2023

June 14, Wotton-Under Edge

 Today was a circular walk day.  There were several temptations.  I settled on a route that went to Lake Ozleworth and then to Newark House and Gardens.  There really was a lake at Ozleworth:

There were also some challenges en route such as locked gates, of which there were three:

The choices are: climb over, crawl under, turn around.  I chose two climb-overs and one crawl-under.  Locking gates on public paths is just not done in England only apparently it is.

Then there was this challenge:

Utterly non-navigable, so I knocked on the door of the residence and was answered by barking dogs.  FINALLY, I noticed, high up on a stone wall: 

The route was partly overgrown:

so much so that the stinging from nettles and thorns and who knows what else is just beginning to fade eight hours later.  A consult with the local pharmacist was mildly helpful:  it will go away in a day or so!

And partly manicured:

The manicured parts were more pleasant.  

Guess who showed up AGAIN, this time at Newark House?

And didn't he get a fancy frame this time?

What I learned: that Newark is a corruption of New+Work.  

I was very sad that "below stairs" was closed for some reason because  kitchens are always the most fun.  There were other bits of interest, though.  A wall of stained glass windows that admitted lots of light:

A super ugly bedroom:

And a painting of a dinner party: 

at which was served: 

First Course: cheat and manchet, ale, pottage, meat pie, brawn, venison, veal, seasonal vegetables.  

Second Course: pheasant, lamb, rabbit, heron, peacock or swan, tarts, fritters, jellies, hyppocras, custard, and sugared almonds.

Don't you wish you had been there?   BTW Cheat and manchet are types of bread and hyppocras is a cider-like beverage.

The grounds were lovely, thickly treed, with fields of daisies and poppies that just did not photograph well. The star of the property was: 

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