Friday, June 22, 2012

Lyme Regis

Trip over was relievedly uneventful. Met Wendy as planned at the coach stand, then on to the train, and finally the local bus, which runs only once an hour, but, as luck would have it, pulled up just as we exited the station and took us to within 1/2 a block of our B and B. Why I feel compelled to describe B and B's, I don't know, but I do so I will.
Devonia House, 4 stars by the star people is more like 3. It is fine, but in no way special. Well, they do have a candy dish in the hall that has lovely toffees. Would you believe that the dish is now empty? How ever did that happen?
Day of arrival was wet wet wet, as in pouring. We did go out and about, but rather unpleasant it was, and cold and windy, too. The town is very pretty. No photo ops yesterday and todays yield was not very good, but here are a couple of the better ones. I love flowers growing out of walls, as you may remember from last year:

A pretty view:

Things for which Lyme Regis is famous are Jane Austin--why I am not sure but there are some gardens to commemorate her, and the French Lieutenant's Woman, some scenes of which were shot here. You see that long wall? That is THE FAMOUS sea wall onto which Meryl Streep did walk in that cloak in that movie.

But guess what? It was not really Meryl Streep at all; it was the director because the day, being ferociously windy, made the narrowness of the promontory too dangerous for her.
A highlight of the day was a visit to the local aquarium. Meet "Pete;" he runs the place:

Good times do not come cheap and when you figure the entry cost for an exhibit of about 13 different kinds of specimens, plus a fee for feeding the mullets—could we say no?—well, it adds up! But it was ever so much fun. You hold the food in your fist and the fish come a running; then you open up your hand and the little flakes are gone in a jiff:

Here is one guy up cloose:

Did you know that mullets are in the shark family and that they are vegetarians? Yeah, I was surprised, too! They have about a thirty year life span, unless, of course, they should, ahem, happen to be caught
We had dinner at an outstanding restaurant. I don't want to tell you what the catch of the day was! But it was delicious!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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