Sunday, June 24, 2012

Lyme Regis to West Bay

Yesterday's walk was short, but adding walking on the beach at low tide plus a stroll along the east Devon path, brought the total to just under fifteen miles. Today's walk was posted as 9 1/2 miles. For us it should have been even shorter because we started nearer the entrance to the path. But as these things go, such was not the case.

First there were diversions, three of them, due to severe erosion. Not only do diversions add mileage, but a hiker tends to have a few unintended diversions of one's own in such situations, the directions being pretty poor, so we walked some extra miles. There were many long and very steep ascents.

When we were about three plus miles from our destination, Wendy could take it no more and decided to take a cab. It was 4:30 by then, the quoted mileage was way off—we had already walked 12 miles—so I headed off alone. It was a gorgeous walk, but there was one descent that did cause a gulp: "Down THERE? I am going down there?" It wasn't so bad after all, and the views made it worth while. So, the less than 9 1/2 mile day turned into fifteen miles. It was most invigorating!

There were some sights of interest along the way, of course.

Not a bad view while having elevensies, eh, what?

An old cemetery in Charmouth:

What stood out was this grave stone. Do note the cause of death!

Do these cows have a great view or what! Not that they are paying attention:

Another beautiful spot for a pick-me-up:

By the time I thought to take a photo, we were half way up to that peak yonder:

You can get an idea of the erosion:

The weather has been great! I figured it could not rain FOREVER!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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