Saturday, June 23, 2012

Axmouth to Lyme Regis

Today was our first bona fide walking day. A taxi took us, because, it being Saturday, hardly any buses run—to Axmouth whence we set out to walk back to Lyme Regis, a short walk of some six miles.

It was nowhere near as difficult as the sign warns, although Wendy was not happy about the mud and the many steps. But it was a gorgeous day and most pleasant walking. Constant birdsong accompanied us for the first several miles. So many melodies!
A lot of the walk looked like this:

And this:

These were some very big leaves:

See this ruin? I would like to tell you that it was the house of Mrs. Peek, as in Peek Freans (famous biscuit makers, but hers was up the road a piece. I know this because our taxi driver's grandmother was THE Mrs. Peek, who used to make cream tea for walkers and did serve it at her home in this very location. She baked the scones, churned the butter and preserved her own jam for the treats.

Yesterday you saw some flowers grwoing out of a wall. These were growing on top of a wall. Aren't they pretty?

What the heck were cows doing here? This was no meadow! Maybe they were lost.

Back in Lyme Regis, we stopped at the public facilities. What ferocious looking toilets!

Oh, an emergency in town! What it was, I have no idea! But some pipe was getting a lot of attention.

OK, this sign is too too depressing:

This is such a manly shop, don't you think?

The owner of this shoppe does not have a type A personality:

Nor does this one!

Danger at the top of the cliffs, now danger at the bottom!

One can never be too careful.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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