Friday, August 3, 2018

August 02 Craster

Could not decide which of these three skyscapes was most stunning, so it is viewer's choice:

# 2

# 3

A one-person-at-a-time bridge:

Compare the upkeep of a public footpath:

to that of nearby golf green:

There are a lot of golf courses in this area, a whole lot.

Sheep, one that let me get quite close, enjoying the view, or maybe just turning away from the camera:

What is a day without a castle or a remnant thereof? (This one is Dunstonburgh):

Staying in my least favourite kind of accommodation:  rooms over bar and restaurant, one that welcomes dogs.  Everything has a kind of greasy stale feel and the smell, well, it is not great.  AND wifi only in the bar!! All is not bad, the walk, supposedly a mere ten miles but was twelve+change, left me with a whole afternoon to relax, which I needed after yesterday's twenty pluser!

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