Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Moelfre to Bull Bay July 02

The sun shone today!  AND it was not overly hot, a good thing, too, because this was a L O N G day: 16.5 miles.  Fortunately, the last bit was strikingly beautiful, but maybe that would have been better earlier on when your little toe is not hurting so you could enjoy the drama more better.  

Like I said yesterday, this is a ruse:

Hey there Cap'n Jack!  (I have no idea what this guy did to earn himself a stature.)

In Wales one can be warned bilingually.  

 In places like this it is hard to know in which direction to go.  Even the walker guy (above) might not be striding so confidently:

But here you do:

A trio of lovelies:

This is a huge, I mean huge cargo ship sitting in a queue—like planes on the tarmac—waiting for high tide so that it can dock at Liverpool:

Shots of rock formations never capture the grandeur of the real thing, pero bueno:

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