Yesterday, having arrived in Llanbedrog three hours before check-in time, I decided to march on to Pwhelli, a one and a half to two hour walk, and take a bus back. Very very nice B and B owner drove me back this morning. Chopping off those few miles made today's walk so short, a mere 12 miles, that I have been on vacation all afternoon, and loving it!
But guess what happened today? A guy called me a little olde laydie! It went like this: Guy, "Do you know which of those mountains is Mount Snowden?" Me, "I have no idea," and pointing to the biggest one said, "Why not assume that one?" "OK," replied he, "If someone asks, I'll tell them that a little olde laydie said it was that one." Turned out he was a nice guy who just wanted to enjoy his fish and chips and ice cream and whose 'partner' looked old enough to be his mother, pero bueno, that is the fashion these days.
This Tepee has air-conditioning and is equipped with benches, for seance sort of events, perhaps, except for its unfortunate location right by a highway:
Uncared for but more beautiful because of it:
Next summer?
Oh, Wilbur! You and your Maaaa Maaaa have become so famous that are now art. And you are still very handsome!
In Criccieth is a castle, a pice of which looks suspiciously like the church in Clynogfaer:
If the ubiquitous (ubiquitous for castles, that is) slits in the walls are for archers to shoot arrows through, then one might deduce that the archer had to lie on his stomach to do so, most uncomfortable on the uneven stone floor. But maybe they were for something else?
Oh, for the hospitality of the good old days! Don't these guests seem to be having the jolliest of times? (Is the compositional similarity to a more famous painting, minus a few guests, a coincidence?)
A shopping list from the olde dayes:
The shoe and sock situation was neither equitable or happy, it seems.
Nature asserts herself everywhere:
Criccieth is a larger town than most I have passed through, but other than bed and breakfast places and many tea rooms and restaurants, the only commercial establishment is a large picture framing store with an art gallery attached. ¡QuĂ© raro!
B and B for the night is lovely and it is located right across the road from an ice cream shop which does sell the most delicious confections! ¡Estoy muy contenta!
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