Sunday, August 7, 2011

On the Way to Ennerdale

This is when the kvetching and the rain begin--in reverse order. What kills me is that the rain does not show in photos, but this "stream" is supposed to be dry, and don't think it was easy getting across. No, I did not manage without help:

The B and B in Ennerdale did not have private bathrooms. One bathroom had a tub, but the owners had removed the hot water tap and there was no plug for the drain! This is how the toilet flushed:

Don't you love it!

This poor sheep really got a radical shave:

And this is a section of the "path" in the rain. It really did not matter if your boots were waterproof because the water came over the tops.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Bishop St,New Haven,United States

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