Sunday, August 7, 2011

First day of walking

This sign is probably not legible, but it announces the official beginning of the walk, even though the walk itself is not official. In other words, it is not a National Trail, so it doesn't have to have a lot in the way of signage, nor does it get maintenance except for what locals or walkers offer.

Typical view:

Uh-oh! What a big gate! Can't get over it, can't get under it, can't get around it...

But lookee here, a style, way off to the side:

Isn't this the sweetest bridge? One feels quite like Olga Korbut crossing it.

Just for those of you who think that this kind of a walk is like an amble through East Rock Park, here is a bit of evidence to the contrary:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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