Thursday, May 23, 2024

Zaragoza, May 22

Was all hyped to-day to get some hillage in by doing the Montes de Juslibol walk.    

Alas, it did not happen. That protrusion from the ground may not look like much—although it stretches out much more than the photo captures—and it is not as if it rivals Everest or anything, BUT it is littered with a warren of desert-like paths that are 100% scree, very steep, utterly isolated, and just pain scary.  "I am going to get lost and die here," I thought, so I turned around in defeat and retreat.

As I made my way back whence I came, I walked along a number of lovely riparian path segments where the birds were singing their little hearts out.  Major improvement!

The highlight of the day was a visit to the aquarium.  The signage was teeny-tiny and it was dark, so except for this one bit of explanation about the adorable marmoset, you will be on your own to figure it out! 

Uhh...what is a marmoset doing in an aquarium?

I thought the fish looked quite happy, if one is actually able to make such a determination:

So long as they stay away from this fellow:

He merits  two shots:

More pretty fish: 

Ooh, and even more (These may be from Indonesia, but don't hold my feet to the fire on that.)

An eel:

And some polka-dotted stingrays:

Can't forget the turtles, especially such a grandly colored one!

Fishermen on the Ebro, not in the aquarium!

That needle-like thing may be art because it does not seem to be an integral part of the bridge:

That needle made me really wanted to traverse that bridge, and on my way back, I did.  There were scratched lucite barriers along the sides, which took a lot away from the the sleekness.  Sometimes things are best experienced from a distance!

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